Projecttitel: BIO-DIAGNOSTICSProjectnummer: BBE-2001Looptijd: 2020 – 2021Budget publiek: € 600.000Budget privaat: € 53.000Projectleider: Marieke BruinsBetrokken partijen: Wageningen University & Research, BioDetection Systems BV, MicroLife Solutions BV
The aim of the BIO-DIAGNOSTICS project is to develop a toolbox to detect the presence of high added value biofunctional compounds in biomass and biobased processes and to provide guidance on selection of the most efficient extraction methods to extract these bioactive compounds during biobased processes. The Bio-based Economy (BBE) is key to shift to a circular economy that optimally uses agricultural- and domestic residues. Although there are many possibilities to create circular processes, many fail on economic grounds, or due to human- or environmental safety issues. In addition, heterogeneity of residue streams poses another problem in creating cost-efficient and viable options. These issues may be of lower significance in low-value biomass conversion options, like combustion to create energy and heat, composting, or utilization of bulk components like cellulose or lignin. However, these lower value conversion options generally are insufficient to be economically and environmentally viable and prevent extraction of valuable biomolecules with nutraceutical and medical applications. To change this situation better cascading options are needed that allow extraction of high added value biomolecules prior to processing to lower value applications. For this, an efficient toolbox to evaluate these options prior to scaling up processes is needed, that can also be used for quality control during biorefinery. While many life cycle analysis (LCA) tools are available to assess environmental impact, rapid evaluation tools to evaluate high value options and human safety issues are lacking. The current project aims to create an integrated toolbox that enables rapid evaluation of these key issues. It will concentrate on the use of straightforward and cost-effective extraction processes that can be scaled up to an industrial level. In this, it builds on prior knowledge generated in e.g. prior TKI-BBE and EU H2020 projects.